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Avoid Homeowner Heartbreak with Liability Insurance

“Home is where the heart is,” right?

Well, when something terrible happens at your home, where does that leave you? With a broken heart and most likely a broken budget.

The preventative heart care you need as a homeowner lies with comprehensive property liability insurance. Sure, you probably have a standard homeowner insurance policy; it might even have a small amount of liability protection built-in. But is it enough to protect you against the weirdness of everyday life?

When your adversarial neighbor stops by to complain about your teenager’s loud music and accidentally trips over your toddler’s half-eaten, discarded apple, who’s going to pay for his hospital stay while he recovers from a broken hip? Probably not your teenager or toddler.

It’s at least worth seeking a liability insurance quote. You don’t want to be caught with your pants down when your Rottweiler pulls your party guest’s pants down, then gets overly rough.

It sounds so unlikely — but then again, many situations sound far-fetched until they actually occur.

Purchasing something extra, such as an umbrella insurance policy, helps develop increased peace of mind. It’s a rock-solid way to protect against unfounded litigation that has the potential to erode your hard-earned life in a snap.

Things would be better if we could count on reasonable resolutions and handshake agreements. But it doesn’t work that way. Lots of people are looking for a reason to call a lawyer and cash in.

You don’t need that extra layer of worry. It’s hard enough dealing with the Rottweiler. And your spunky teenager. And don’t forget that toddler who spreads her toys around like decorative bark.

It’s more than enough to get your heart rate up. Thankfully, you can start to bring it back down with a custom personal liability insurance policy that helps minimize exposure and maximize peace of mind.

Rick LindseyAuthored by Rick J. Lindsey, President, Chairman, and CEO of XINSURANCE

Rick J. Lindsey hails from Salt Lake City, Utah. He began working in the mailroom of his father’s Salt Lake City insurance firm, getting his introduction to the business that became his lifelong career. Rick J. Lindsey quickly rose through the ranks while working in nearly every imaginable insurance industry job. As an entrepreneur, specialty lines underwriter, claims specialist, risk manager, and a licensed surplus lines broker, Rick J. Lindsey is highly skilled in all levels of leadership and execution. As he progressed on his career path, Rick J. Lindsey discovered an urgent need for insurers willing to write policies for high-risk individuals and businesses. He was frequently frustrated that he could not provide the liability protection these entities desperately needed to safeguard their assets. He also formed the belief that insurance companies acted too quickly to settle frivolous claims. Rick J. Lindsey decided to try a different approach. He started an insurance company and became the newly formed entity’s CEO. This opportunity has enabled Rick J. Lindsey to fill a void in the market and provide a valuable service to businesses, individuals, and insurance agents who write high-risk business. XINSURANCE also specializes in helping individuals and businesses who live a lifestyle or participate in activities that make them difficult for traditional carriers to insure. If you’ve been denied, non-renewed, or canceled coverage, don’t give up quite yet. Chances are XINSURANCE can help.
